First Name * Last Name * Affiliation * - Select -UndergraduateGraduate StudentPostdocPermanent Community - Stanford StaffPermanent Community - Stanford FacultyPermanent Community - LocalFriend/Guest of Catholic Community at StanfordParent of Undergrad Home Email * Stanford Email * Permanent Email Phone Number Phone Type - None -PhoneMobileFaxPagerVoicemailIf you are a Stanford Alumnus enter your Class or Grad Year Class of (YYYY) Class or Grad Year Dorm Grad Program Grad Residence Home Address Street Address City State/Province Postal Code Encounter Christ Small Groups Encounter Christ Radiate Joy Transform World Our faith is an adventure when we do it together! Join one of our small groups of peers that meet in the dorms, apartments or homes. Come and encounter Christ together. I am interested in joining a small group EC I am currently in a small group ECAlreadyInGroup I am interested in helping initiate a small group EC Interested in starting a small group Choose which option below you're most interested in Women's Small Group Men’s Small Group General Small Group Select all the following times you think you are available: Tuesday evenings Wednesday evenings Thursday evenings If you are a Young Adult, select one of the following: Recent Undergrad Alumni 20's 30's Liturgical Ministries Eucharistic Minister (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Eucharistic Minister Lector (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Lector Altar Server (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Altar Server Greeter (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Greeter Choir (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Choir Instrumentalist - list instrument(s) Instrumentalist - list instrument(s) For all of the above, which Masses are you willing to serve? 9 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 9 p.m. Morning Mass Setup (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Morning Mass Setup 9 PM Mass Setup (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) 9 PM Mass Setup Spanish Mass Minister (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Spanish Mass Minister Tech Crew - Livestreaming, Audio (I'm not currently serving in this ministry at Stanford) Tech Crew (Livestreaming, Audio) Sacramental Preparation Adult Confirmation Confirm RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) RCIA Adult baptism, first communion, or investigating Catholicism Religious Education for Children/Teen Children's Religious Education (ages 3-12) Rel ed Junior High Faith Formation, High School Faith Formation Sacrament Preparation (baptism, Eucharist, confirmation) I Baptism Service Outreach Common Roots Farm (Various hands-on farm work tasks) Common Roots (hands on) St. Anthony of Padua Dining Room (Food distribution) St. Anthony of Padua Dining Room (Soup) Opportunity Center (Prepare and serve breakfast) Opportunity Center Hope Horizon (Spiritual development, mentoring, academic support, robotics - regularly, occasionally, or one-time opportunities) Hope Horizon Rebuilding Together (Hands-on minor housing and non-profit repairs and remodeling) Rebuilding Together Stanford Hospital Eucharistic Ministers Hospital Ronald McDonald House Charities (Serving sick children and their families) Ronald McDonald House (individual or group opportunities) I am interested in reinstating and participating in the CC@S Chapter of Catholic Relief Services CRS Other Service Opportunities Children's Religious Education Volunteer (work with kids 3yrs-high school) TA Mentor for Junior High Students Mentor for Junior High Students Catholic Community Hospitality for events Catholic Community Hospitality for events Special Interest Groups GSB Catholic Student Association (MBA students) GSB St. Luke's Medical Students St. Luke's Medical Students St. Thomas More Catholic Law Students St. Thomas More Catholic Law Students LGBTQ+ and Ally Ministry Gay I attended a Jesuit High School JesuitHS I attended a Jesuit University JesuitUniversity I have experience and training in the following areas to share with the Catholic Community: Comments: No bulk email (User Opt Out) Privacy Preferences Submit